
General Enquiry


MatchIT Service

Sometimes your non for profit is eligible for significant discounts on their technology products.  This is where the Global Community can really help.  SKEDA IT Support are part of the Community via the MatchIT service where you can ask access special offers and ask an expert for free advice.

If your NFP is not accessing the benefits of Connecting Up to purchase equipment and licencing, then you are likely to be missing some excellent opportunities to save your organisation time and money.

The Donations and Discounts Programs (previously known as DonorTec) is provided by Connecting Up Australia in partnership with TechSoup Global. Both Connecting Up Australia and TechSoup Global are non profit organisations that are part of a global partnership for technology donations. This is an exciting program to assist Australian non profits build their Information Communication Technology (ICT) capacity and has already assisted thousands of groups to make huge savings in their operations!

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